Can I just say WOW and how awesome it was to witness the 100% totality solar eclipse?! While I didn’t experience any spiritual awakenings, I did thoroughly enjoy watching this once in a lifetime event in this area with my son and his girlfriend.
We were fortunate back in August of 2017 to have solar eclipse but it wasn’t 100% totality, it was 99% but wow what a difference 1% made. (You can read about that one here.) The timing was different, because I remember being able to see the crescent in all of the leaves shadows. This year, April 8th and we didn’t have much in the way of leaves yet on the trees. There were flowers on the dogwoods, but nothing showed up like I expected.

Watching the 100% totality solar eclipse was so fun.
This time, just like the last eclipse, I got my colander out but it didn’t show the partial eclipse before or after totality like last time, I have no idea why. Maybe because it was directly over us? Nevertheless it was so cool.
The skies really did get pretty dark, like twilight. I walked into the house and it was really dark! My phone camera makes it look lighter than it really was. The star you see to the bottom right of the eclipse is actually Jupiter I think.
The next two photos I took of my yard and gardens leading up to the eclipse. There was an eerie glow of yellow it seemed leading up to the full eclipse. I remember that from last time. You could tell something different was happening. By the way, Eclipse Day was the first day for my purple irises to bloom this year. Aren’t they pretty?
This strange yellowy filter splashed all over the scenery bringing to my mind people from a long time ago. Can you imagine before we had science and trips to the moon and we were living in caves, can you imagine what the people thought was happening? It had to have been frightening.
100% Totality Solar Eclipse
The media really hyped it up in our area. They were telling us how crowded it was going to be in Evansville, the largest city near us and about 25 miles from me. They were expecting to have 80,000 visitors and the surrounding areas expected mayhem, too.
I don’t know where they all were, but I can tell you that I’ve seen the fireworks display downtown on the riverfront more crowded than the news reports that night. People were saying on Facebook that there was more traffic during the Fall Festival – I believe it.
Maybe the people went to other spots along the path of totality. Hopefully, it did bring in more revenue for our local businesses. I sold some eclipse painting prints and had more hits on my website for my eclipse posts and prints than in a long time. I’ll happily take that.
Perhaps the reason for less turnout was the F2 tornadoes we had just a week before the eclipse. We got very lucky in that it didn’t cause any damage to us. However, our neighbor down the road wasn’t as lucky. They had to tear their house down because of the extensive damage. Thankfully and most important they weren’t hurt. They had fled just before the tornado to family nearby. Their roof was completely gone, just walls standing.
Looking at the trails of the tornadoes, it went right over my neighbors. I was woken up at 5:20 am from the weather alarm on my phone. It was still dark as night out. My son and I took refuge in our basement because it really did sound like a hurricane out there. My husband was at work and luckily safe. They have areas they send the employees during bad weather.
So with the tornadoes and the eclipse, it’s been an interesting two weeks. Calmer futures would be good. I do have my hysterectomy looming down my back. It’s a week from tomorrow. Ugh. I’m not looking forward to it. In happier news, I do have a paranormal investigation I’m going on this weekend. We’re going to Octagon Hall in Franklin, Kentucky. I’ve wanted to go there for a long time. I hope it doesn’t disappoint!
See you soon.
← The total solar eclipse is coming / Painting red tulips ⟶
some of my paintings
Learn more about me on the ‘About’ page under the additional links menu. I’m an artist – a painter mostly and an avid gardener. I paint a variety of subjects including birds, koi fish, my gardens, ponds and flowers as well as anything having to do with nature especially trees and tropical scenes. I also enjoy painting abstracts and have started created more and more of them. My most favorite thing to try to achieve in my painting is is mystery and telling mystical stories.
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