So… to pick up my Banshee story, Saturday night we had even more storms and they scared my poor baby girl outta her wits but she would not come in the house, silly girl. She was gone again Saturday night which bothered me to no end knowing what had happened to her in the wheat field. I whistled and called and whistled some more, and I’ve got a good whistler, believe me! No Banshee. Storming and dark, there was nothing I could do but hope she had nestled herself down somewhere dry.

Morning came and I was looking for her now by daylight… much easier. I held my breath as I looked out into the lake… my biggest fear for my son and now my nearly blind, arthritic, geriatric, stubborn sweet Siberian Husky. There she was!!! My poor girl, I nearly swallowed my tongue as I gasped and screamed her name. She was on the edge thank God because our lake is deep and steep and goes down quickly to 25 feet. I ran out to her with Asher on my heels. I tried to get her in and she must’ve been hurting and scared, she snapped and bit me on the hand. No bother. I tried again. No luck. I had to run in and wake my tired husband to retrieve her. He got her out and we wheeled her up the hill in Asher’s wagon.
I’m beginning to think she is part cat with the 9 lives and all. She was tired and hungry (a good sign). I gave her more asprin and she sprang back to life within an hour! Almost trotting along side the car as I attended an art show called Arts in Harmony to see all the work and visit some friends who were selling there. More on that later.
Today (Monday) I took her to the vet, got her looked at and her heart is fine and we are trying her out on Rimadyl once a day. I hope it works for her. The asprin has done wonders actually and I hope this will do even better. I was told though and almost scolded by my vet about her coat. He told me my first priority is to get her shaved. Ugh. She is an outside dog and absolutely has to be the happiest dog on Earth because she has the fields beside us to run and the woods and our large expanse of yard and has she got the cockoburls, sticks and clumps and pine needles, sap and you name it, it’s in there. Every year I get out my trimmers and scissors and rake and try to cut that stuff down. I do try to maintain it year round to no avail. She can be brushed and then run into the field and you would never know that I just spent 2 hours trimming, combing and brushing and fussin’ and cussin’. Not to mention how much she detests it. I did send her to be groomed (shaved) one year and it was $65 (not bad) but came back with cuts all over her! That’s when I bought the heavy duty trimmers.
So today for about 3 hours after the vet I trimmed and cut and fussed and cussed and tried to do the best I could and only got about a quarter of her done. I’m after new blades Tuesday, maybe that will make it easier. She is not appreciating this act of love in the least. Testy and old and probably sore she growled, nipped and then licked me with her ears down being submissive and fussed and probably cussed at me in doggy talk. It’s on again Wednesday, Banshee… look out.

This video was just taken this past March 10th, 2010! See her running and bouncing! She has a great spirit. Just the sweetest baby girl.
Check back for more drama.
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