If there’s one thing I’ve learned in my lifetime it’s that there will always be changes. Changes in the seasons, life, work and everything else.
My art seems to be going through changes and so has my website. If you haven’t checked it out lately, do me a favor and poke around some. I’m tearing my hair out as I try to make changes for the better. Let me know if you see pages that are not loading correctly. I’m testing it out on everything I have but it’s always good to get fresh eyes on it. I’d appreciate it tremendously.
I’m going for a not so clunky look and so I’ve changed my theme. I have purchased the WordPress “Divi” theme by Elegant Themes and there is a bit of a learning curve. More so really with finding all the incompatibilities with other plug-ins it seems. The interface makes sense to me since it is very visual. I like that I have so much control over what I was using before.
If you maintain your own website and/or blog then you know my hell that I am in. Ha ha… funny to say that but technology can be so frustrating. Like right now, I’m having trouble getting my newsletter sign up page working. It was working the other day and now it’s not. Things like that dive me batty.
Speaking of batty… my newest paintings (above) are 6″x6″ canvas and I’ve just got 3 going on right now in this series. They were inspired by of all things a recent tour of a cave. My husband, son and myself went to Indiana Caverns and toured the cave that is there. I’ve always loved exploring like caves and the woods so it was a lot of fun for me. Asher (my 10 year old son) loved it as well. He was disappointed we didn’t get to climb around where ever we wanted!
So I found myself painting this underground-like scene… at least to me it seemed underground. All the formations of dirt and rock, there was even an underground river that we got to take a boat ride on. Very cool.
So my art is going through changes and that’s okay. Change is good.
These paintings have gone through changes and may still a little bit. I’m adding the finishing touches to them and I’ll then add them into my shop. If you would like to be kept up to date on my art and bits of life, sign up for my newsletter here.
Learn more about me on the ‘About’ page in the menu at the top. I’m an artist – a painter mostly and an avid gardener. I paint a variety of subjects including birds, koi fish, my gardens, ponds and flowers, trees and more. I also enjoy painting abstracts and have started created more and more of them. My most favorite thing to try to achieve in my painting is is mystery.
Love the new paintings. I may even have to find a spot for them….lol!
Thank you Patti! You’re one of my biggest fans <3 I appreciate it. I’ll be coming by for a visit now that you’re home 🙂
I think your website is looking good. What a pain it can be to figure out technology. I had trouble with my newsletter sign-up forms, too. I wonder if they recently made some changes that made everything stop working right.
Love the mood of your new paintings.
Hope the fair was good this weekend!!
Thank you Anne. It’s a constant work in progress, really. With updating plug-ins nearly daily and then with those new plug-ins comes conflicts. In fact, a plug-in was to blame for my woes before but I think I have that particular problem fixed now. My latest problem was my posts that are emailed looked like gibberish. I’m not sure if I’ve fixed that or not yet. Like I said, constant maintenance. But you know that, your site looks beautiful! I know it’s not by accident.
Thanks for the observations on my newest paintings!