Here’s Kat’s book and somehow I’ve ended up doing another September entry. I’m not sure what has happened but I think my next entry was supposed to be October. Oh well, here it is anyway. I noticed that I had created another September when I was uploading my the pics to my Picasa albums. Apparently, I had a lot more to say about September the second time around 🙂

I’ve got a question for anyone who can answer it. I’ve got this new smart phone and it’s an Android. I am trying to figure out how to post to my blog from it but the app keeps telling me that I have no such blog! I have tried many many times. This app is one that is from Blogger. Does anyone know a work around? I’ve looked all through the help sections and am following the directions but still it does not work.

Oh and I didn’t forget about taking pics of my art purchases from Sunday, they are coming next 😉

Happy Friday!

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