Are you an artist? Have you stumbled on to my website because you are scouring the internet looking for ideas on how to finally get started selling your own artwork, yourself? There’s no shame in that, that’s how I did it. We learn by seeing and doing, right? If you are here because you’re looking for new ideas to your existing website, tips on setting up an e-commerce website, helpful books, great links and insider tips from artist’s who are already selling their art then I think you’ll find this post of use to you. Even if you’re asking yourself “Website, what website? Where do I even start?” I can lend a helpful hand, because I’ve been there.
Like Steve Jobs said, your time really is limited. We only get so many breaths in this life. Don’t wait to start that deep in your heart dream for when you have time. You’ll never have time, none of us do. You have to start now, no better time than when you’re pumped up and excited… you feel that little twinge inside of you when you think of all the things that you want to do or create and most importantly that feeling that it’s possible and within your reach. Oh I know! I still get that little twinge or creative tingle as I call it. I talk about getting that fantastic creative buzz in this short post…
Now, I’m not advising anyone to to just up and quit their job, but now is the time to start working on a plan of action. I’m starting to sound like an informercial! haha… No worries, I’m not selling anything (except my artwork!). I’m simply sharing my research of things I’ve found that are working for me to be a working artist. It’s my way to give back and honor all of those whom I’ve learned from – some free, some paid. Believe me, I am always looking for free or inexpensive ways to learn more about selling my art as well as learning new techniques or products. I also have found the value in paying someone for information when it is needed or will save you tons of time researching… remember that limited time thing?
You might have glanced at this page and are wondering so where is all this free advice?? I’m glad you asked, I’ve tried to make it as easy to find as possible. Some may know already that what you are reading is a blog post, a journal page if you will that is shared with the world (yikes!). Finding details in my blog is as easy as letting your fingers do the typing on Google. But it being a blog, it may appear like old news a year from now, heck, even a month from now with today’s technology and all the new social media being developed everyday. So, I’ve made a dedicated page to sharing my found art selling and marketing treasures. That way I can keep it all in one spot, it’s easily accessible and find to artists like you who want it, plus I can update the information often without it getting buried under future blog posts and hopefully The Google Gods will be placated. I’m finding new stuff all the time and I’ll report on that page where to find it, how it worked for me and other information that I myself would want to know.
Before I give you the link, do a fellow artist a favor and share! I appreciate any mentions w/links back to my site ( in your own blog, tweets, likes, +’s, pins and any kind of shares or comments you are willing to make. If you like what you’re reading consider signing up to follow my blog now. Simply subscribe by entering your email where it says “Have my blog posts emailed” on the left just above my photo and have my posts delivered to you so there is no chance of you forgetting. I also have a newsletter that you can sign up for as well (above left)
Dum da dummmm… here’s the link (the word ARTIST? below)! Have fun, try new things, start your artist journey now ☺ and do what you love!