Sadly, my Banshee is still not home. I think there is only one answer at this point, that she has run off to die somewhere. I don’t understand why she wouldn’t want to stay home to do this, but I feel she will not return. I look for her all the time. When I get within miles of my home, I practically run off the road searching. Asher asked me yesterday after getting groceries and coming home, why are you driving so slow? I’m looking for Banshee.
I can’t believe that she wouldn’t be able to find her way back home, do you? It is always sad to lose my animals. I have lost quite a few during the last 8 years or so. It’s like part of my heart being wrenched away from me.
Banshee got her name the first night we had her. We had her in a kennel right beside our bedroom door and she howled and screamed all night long like a banshee! Her name was sealed. She entered our hearts before we even got to bring her home. We went to the breeder and picked her out and couldn’t bring her home yet because she was too young. Having a husky is a little different than having other types of dogs we found out. They are solitary animals and they rarely bark. She was also very headstrong. She was insistent that she was to be an outside dog. I wanted her in, but she loved it outside and with her heavy fur coat, the winter was nothing to her. She laid out in the snow, it was the summer that I had to endlessly rake and groom her to try to get that heavy fur thinned. I would comb bags of fur out of her. I recently the last few years would shave her in the summer months… which she hated.
She could run like the wind and could perform tricks like sit, shake, lay down, roll over speak all for a treat or two of course. She loved to go for rides in the car and would get in anyones car if the door was left open. I miss her terribly, but I am comforted to know she had to be the happiest dog on Earth because the last 7 years she’s had our 10 acres to run on and not be in a kennel or on a trolley line like she was at our other house. Plus, she was loved beyond compare by me and Daryl and Asher. She will live in my heart forever. What a sweet, sweet girl.
A few paintings I’ve created
Learn more about me on the ‘About’ page under the additional links menu. I’m an artist – a painter mostly and an avid gardener. I paint a variety of subjects including birds, koi fish, my gardens, ponds and flowers as well as anything having to do with nature especially trees and tropical scenes. I also enjoy painting abstracts and have started created more and more of them. My most favorite thing to try to achieve in my painting is is mystery and telling mystical stories.
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This brought tears to my eyes, Jaime. Oftentimes, animals do go to their final resting place in solitude. I, too, have experienced the heartache of losing a beloved pet time and time again. They are truly family. I wouldn’t have it any other way…I cherish the times I got to spend with my sweet animals and they always remain deeply in my heart. My prayers to you and your family. Theresa
Having just been through the experience of saying goodbye to a dog just three months ago, I am heartbroken for you. You wrote that huskies are solitary and that they prefer the outdoors, so perhaps this adds to why Banshee has gone off… whether to find a peaceful place to end her time here or just for some time away. If you can’t find her, though, she must have traveled for miles.
When we moved here to our home in the woods, we brought our dogs from the city. One was very old at that point, and a couple months after we moved, he and our younger dog took off up the hill behind us. Abby, the puppy, came home but Amos did not. We hiked for miles that next and for days to come and drove up and down the road in search of him, worried because of his age and his health. We never found him and had given up hope. But one night in the pouring rain, one week after he’d disappeared, he showed up at the door, whimpering to come in. He was soaked, of course, and had lost a lot of weight, but he was home and we were so thankful. He was with us for only two more months, but my husband likes to say that Amos took that week-long adventure to enjoy the hills and freedom one last time.
So Jaime, Banshee may yet come home, but if she does not, know that she needed to find her own place to lay down and remember that she loved you as much as you loved her.