I’ve got to brag about Asher’s painting that got 2nd place in the School ARt Show for the Kindergarten class unbeknownst to me. I just happened to be walking in the school to use the restroom and saw it on the wall!

This is also one of the paintings that I put in the art exhibit with mine this weekend. The other is a self portrait that I will share later.

So I had to get a 3×5 card ready with his name, name of the piece and media and I asked him what he called this painting and he said with a very serious tone “Caterpillar on Table”. Makes sense to me 🙂 Be still my heart… the nut doesn’t fall too far from the tree 😉  sniff sniff…

Here’s all I’ve done on Roses for the Dead… not too much but it’s coming along.

Have a great weekend!
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