My family and I recently went to Brimstone Recreation in Huntsville, Tennessee for a family vacation. It’s not a common vacation, but we’ve been doing this for several years now. We try to go twice a year. We have friends that go with us and we get a cabin and ride everyday. Well, everyday that we don’t break something on the buggies. I can only think of one time where we didn’t break something on one of the buggies.
Asher has his own 4-wheeler and Daryl has a souped up fully customized side by side as they’re called, we call it a buggy. His is a Polaris Rzr.
Asher has had his own 4-wheeler since he was like 3. He’s on his 3rd 4-wheeler but this Honda is a keeper for good long while. The kid knows the trails at Brimstone like the back of his hand. He’s like a human map. He’s 12 now by the way. He rides a four wheeler better than most adults we know. Fearless. Yes, that is scary as hell for me. You should see the hills this kid climbs without a thought. Of course he had a great teacher, my husband.
He just got some new riding boots, they’re bright orange but you can’t tell in this photo from all the mud. He’s a mean hill climbing machine, let me tell you. I’ve got another post from 5 years ago, come see how he’s changed! He was so little!!
I always get frustrated with the photos. They are very deceiving. The photo above shows our friends in their buggy at the top of the hill. They’re stuck actually in some ruts and rocks and I took this photo while I was waiting for them to winch themselves up the hill. It’s really really steep, but it doesn’t look it. In fact, it was like sitting back in a recliner. You can sort of see by the way Asher is leaning forward. He’s not really leaning. We are partly up a mountain!
We like to take frequent breaks, as it’s a lot of hard riding. The photo above was taken at one the many creeks and you can’t see it here, but there was a bit of a waterfall. Asher and I love to explore the woods when we stop.
We get views like this at the top of the mountains. We also get peeks of views all through the trails at Brimstone. It’s easier to see in November, the other time we go. But the green is so lush in June.
It was pretty great weather while we were there. Only a day or two where it was kinda hot. The trails in the woods make it cool, plus there are creeks and water making its way down the mountain everywhere. We had heavy rains the first day and then just here and there during our stay which makes for perfect riding conditions. It keeps the dust down and temperatures nice.
This time we were there while the hot dog stand was there and open, it’s called Dawg Trail and they have a Facebook Page if you want to see when they’ll be there. I’m sure he’d love your support and a like on his page. He was a super nice guy and fun to talk with. We got chili dogs and snow cones and it was a nice break and awesome that we didn’t have to go back to the cabin to make lunch.
Below is Asher and Daryl ordering and our friends Bryan and Robin deciding what to get.
Below, me enjoying a “Dragon’s Blood” snow cone, so yummy!! Asher got green apple.
We had a great time and actually have another short 4 day stay again here in a couple weeks at Brimstone. Then after that a week in Florida! Summer is busy, busy.
As you can probably guess, I’m not getting a lot of painting accomplished during this summer. I’ll be back at it soon though.
I’ve recently gotten new baby koi fish from a friend of a friend and I’ll be sharing that soon along with 2 recent paranormal investigations! I told ya I’m busy! See ya soon.
Learn more about me on the ‘About’ page in the menu at the top. I’m an artist – a painter mostly and an avid gardener. I paint a variety of subjects including birds, koi fish, my gardens, ponds and flowers as well as anything having to do with nature especially trees and tropical scenes. I also enjoy painting abstracts and have started created more and more of them. My most favorite thing to try to achieve in my painting is is mystery.
If you would like to keep up with what I’m doing, I have a newsletter e-mailed about once a month that gives you special status for invitations, birthday greeting and more. I’d love for you to add your email to my Friends and Collectors list!
Now that’s my kind of vacation, right in the middle of the mountains. Oh I get you and your family had a wonderful time!
I had a feeling you would approve Donna 😉 I know you love the mountains and I love seeing your photos from your many excursions! We had a great time, thanks for commenting.