I’ve been working on painting a butterfly box for a Christmas present and I’ve got it finished except for the clear coats. I used acrylics and of course I had to add a little metallic paint and what perfect place to add that but the only colored butterfly on the whole box. It looks a bit like a hot mess in these photos, I took them at night. But it really does look better in natural light.

close up of metallic butterfly!

I’ve been sick this week and to add insult to injury, I fell down my very wicked stairs last night. I am so very sore. I couldn’t even sleep on my injured side last night.

wicked stairs – see my slippers? that’s where I landed.

Luckily, I landed on my very cushioned caboose and didn’t break anything, bone-wise. It could have been very ugly. These stairs are wicked I tell you and there is a brick floor at the bottom. I was at the very top and took a step or two down (I had slippers on) and I felt it slide out from under me and down I went . I think I even bounced. I landed where you see the slippers, about half way down. Like I said it could’ve ended very badly. At least I didn’t have an audience. I won’t be wearing those slippers again. This is a good reason to try and talk my husband into a main floor studio!

Happy Holidays!
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