by Jaime Haney | 2011, Christmas, Christmas 2011, elf
Merry Christmas! All the presents are unwrapped and toys are being played with. Ham will be going in the oven soon, cheesy potatoes, green beans and other yummies will all be consumed. Pecan and pumpkin pie, oh my.Wishing all my friends the happiest of holidays and...
by Jaime Haney | 2011, beach, life, New Smyrna Beach Florida, New Smyrna Florida, trip, vacation
Day 2, 3, 4 and 5 all neatly wrapped up here. We basically did more beach time but we did bowl one night and then day 5 we went to Disney World’s Magic Kingdom for the first time with Asher. The hurricane that was way out in the ocean (Maria) had sent us lots of...