by JaimeB Haney | 2017, A day in the life, art, artwork, funeral, Nature, painting, work in progress
My latest painting is a giraffe painting. He or she, I’m not sure which, is soon to be happily munching on some tasty leaves. With all the paintings I’ve done, I’ve not painted a giraffe yet so I thought it was time. Actually, a giraffe has been...
by JaimeB Haney | 2017, A day in the life, crystals, full moon, metaphysical
This evening is a trio of cool celestial things happening. A penumbral lunar eclipse, a full leo moon and a fly by comet! This full moon is called the snow moon. Native Americans named the full moons according to the seasons. The snow moon occurs in February, when the...
by JaimeB Haney | 2017, acrylics, Art Life, folklore, green, Nature, Portrait, transcendental, work in progress
This past week I’ve started (and finished) a new painting that I’ve had on my mind for a while. It’s my take on the Green Man, a nature spirit who represents the spirit of the trees, plants and all foliage of the woods and forests. He symbolizes the...
by JaimeB Haney | 2017, A day in the life, houseplants, life, Life with pets, paper towels, winter
So I can hardly believe this is the last day of January, can you?! It has gone crazy fast and it seems I don’t really have a lot to show for it. Life keeps happening though. The mornings have been gracing us with these gorgeous sunrises. Now that it’s the...
by JaimeB Haney | 2017, family, vacation
As I mentioned in my previous post, we did a lot of bicycling while in Hilton Head. One day we bicycled to the Harbor Town Lighthouse. You may know that Hilton Head Island was hit pretty hard by Hurricane Matthew in October of 2016. We were worried about the damage we...
by JaimeB Haney | 2017, family, vacation
Over the Christmas vacation just a few short weeks ago, my family and I piled into our new to us black Ford diesel truck and drove over 700 miles to have a Hilton Head vacation. We had gone a couple years ago during the same time period so we knew what to expect. This...