by Jaime Haney | 30 days in my life, acrylics, art studio, blogging, By Medium, cat, Mocee Mimosa Moxy, Where women create, work in progress, Works in progress
Look at Mocee sitting in the window. You can’t see it from this photo, but there is a bird feeder hanging just to the left and she is enthralled with the cardinals and other little birds feasting on it. Her little whiskers twitching and going nuts, haha. As you...
by Jaime Haney | 30 days in my life, A day in the life, acrylics, art, artwork, blogging, Farm Animals, miniatures, Paintings, Uncategorized
Here they are! 3 chickens. I didn’t paint them as colorful as I had planned but sometimes the painting just has different ideas than I do, so I go with what the painting tells me to do. If only I listened to my husband as much, he says. Hah! Dream on. I almost...
by Jaime Haney | 30 days in my life, birds, blogging, chickens, drawing, Paintings, work in progress
Here’s what I’m working on today. They will all get paint and I’m thinking bright colors. Really I don’t paint anything without bright colors. I love vivid color, not to say I don’t appreciate all colors because I do. Everything I paint...
by Jaime Haney | 30 days in my life, A day in the life, blogging
Some days you just need to do nothing and that’s pretty much what I’ve done today. It felt good. I sat outside with my iced tea with Zoey and Thunder while Asher played in the dirt and soaked in the sunshine. It was quite windy. We took off in the Jeep to...
by Jaime Haney | 30 days in my life, blogging, flowers, friends, garden
I walked outside this beautiful day to find the tulips I had transplanted last week blooming! Aren’t they gorgeous?! I still haven’t planted those pansies though. I had a great day today with 2 wonderful old friends, we laughed and ate for hours. It was...
by Jaime Haney | 30 days in my life, A day in the life, art, artwork, birds, blogging, By Medium, intuitive painting, Mixed Media, painting, Paintings, Uncategorized
I finished “Beautiful Dreamer” today, all I need to do is varnish him. I had so much fun painting this whimsical distinguished gentlemen and I’m happy with how he turned out. He will be in my shop as soon as I get him varnished and good photos taken....