by Jaime Haney | aging, birthday, bougainvillea, life, missing mom
Today is my birthday! I’m not looking so happy here in the photo below though… This is pretty accurate still of how I look a lot of the time. My mom always did tell me I would throw my head back and laugh. I still love to laugh. You can see that I’m...
by Jaime Haney | bougainvillea, datura, flowers, gardening, geranium, hibiscus, in the greenhouse, lantana, orange tree, petunia, philodendron, plants, rosemary, salvia, spike, statue
I worked out in the gardens for about 5 hours today and I’m stiffening up and can hardly move! Even my fingernails hurt. I’ve pulled weeds and mulched. When I look at what I’ve accomplished, it’s not near enough for 5 hours of sweat and pain!...