by JaimeB Haney | 2015, canning, cooking, heirloom tomatoes, homemade, salsa
I was looking for my blog post to share my most delicious salsa recipe with a group on Facebook and discovered I have never actually made such a post. I ain’t gonna lie, it takes forever… so get a friend to help you. Are you ready? Strap on those aprons,...
by Jaime Haney | 1st Day of school, A day in the life, abstract, art work, canning, digital painting, first day of school, green beans, impressionism, landscape, mother nature, painting, vegetables, veggie garden
I took these summer walk pictures the day before Asher’s new school year started. School has been in session now for a little over a week, I can’t believe how time flies. I’ve not gotten any new paintings done or even started for that matter....
by Jaime Haney | canning, cooking, Jalapeno, Pastels, Putting Up, recipes
Here’s a little pastel ACEO that I painted a while back. I remembered it when I started putting up all the jalapeno’s I’ve just recently picked. I have another pepper pastel painting (say that three times fast!) of some sweet havana’s. I...
by Jaime Haney | canning, cooking, garden chores, green beans, kitchen
Man a year goes by fast! It just seems like yesterday I was pickin’ and a snappin’. Beans that is. Yesterday we had absolutely gorgeous weather with the temperature reaching only 84 degrees F but I unfortunately didn’t get to enjoy much of it....
by Jaime Haney | canning, cooking, heirloom tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomatoes
They say if you can’t be a good example then you’ll just have to be a horrible warning. So… I’m sharing my experience with dun, dun dunnnnn…. canning homemade tomato sauce. Oh the visions I had of jars and jars and jars of a thick, rich,...
by Jaime Haney | canning, fairy, food, green beans, Monday
Well yesterday for the first time ever, I canned. Woo hoo! the best part is, it was easy! I’ve been wanting to can for years but have been afraid to. I jumped in head first. I bought this gargancheous pressure canner. It was so big, that I had to buy a new...