by JaimeB Haney | blogging, contemplations, deep thoughts
Reconnecting. I’m getting to it. Today, I was planning on writing about how I got my new organic abstract paintings all listed in the shop. However, something inside beckoned for me to go and check up on a long time friend first. Artist, fellow gardener and...
by JaimeB Haney | A day in the life, Art Life, contemplations, creativity, deep thoughts, emotions, family, feelings
Have you ever had an event happen in your life that left you well… lifeless? Maybe lifeless isn’t the right word, maybe feeling numb is more appropriate. I’ve recently had such an event and it’s not only left me feeling numb, but also has left me...
by JaimeB Haney | 2016, all about me, cancer, contemplations, dealing, deep thoughts, emotions, life, panic, realizations, Things that go on in my head, This Artists Observations of the Day
Cancer. Who hasn’t heard this word and have it send shivers down your spine. We all know what it does, what it can do. To many, including myself it’s a death sentence. To some, it’s a bump in road of life to be beaten. When you’ve had as much...
by JaimeB Haney | 2014, A day in the life, art work, autumn, contemplations, draw from within, fall day, landscape, memories, moments, mono prints, originals, positivity, realizations, remember, winter, Works in progress
I was reading a favorite blog last night and the writer posed a question: “What are we thank hearted for?” It doesn’t take but a second to think of more things than I can reasonably type and talk about that wouldn’t just be the same as yourself...
by Jaime Haney | 2014, advice, aha moment, contemplations, creativity, dealing, deep thoughts, depression, draw from within, emotions, enlightenment, feeling, feelings, fireworks, forgetting, Independence Day, Late night ponder, missing, missing mom, mom, Mother, mourning, profound, realizations, summer
Wow! Time just keeps trucking on, doesn’t it? I wanted to share some photos from this past July 4th, which just seems like last weekend! With the July fireworks, as with everything in life it seems, it’s sparking memories of Mom. I’ve had a lot going...
by Jaime Haney | 30 in 30 challenge JAN 2014, aha moment, alone, By subject, complaining, confessions, contemplations, deep thoughts, depression, feelings, koi pond, missing mom, mourning, sad, sketch, Works in progress
Let me start by saying I’m posting this out of a combination of self doubt, possible seasonal affective disorder, depression and utter frustration with my technical knowledge and skill level. Okay, I’m guessing on the seasonal affective disorder but it...