by Jaime Haney | curtains, decorating, kitchen
actually pretty heavy, picked up from JCPenny catalog pickupNot too much in the way of words today, but if you all could see the great big smile on my face you wouldn’t need to hear anything (or read). My mom would be so proud, ha ha. She would love these...
by Jaime Haney | arts and crafts show, curtains, kitten trouble
Spiffy gownAsher’s eye surgery was early this morning and everything went just as planned. He didn’t need an IV because it was over so quickly, the surgery that is. We got there at 5:30 and didn’t leave until 8:15. Asher was so brave and happily...
by Jaime Haney | art, curtains, decoupage, magnets, missing mom, terra cotta pots
Future magnetsI’ve been busy getting some last minute projects done for the craft show this Saturday. I haven’t had much luck lately at the shows, so I’m trying to get together some inexpensive items for stocking stuffers in hopes of generating a...
by Jaime Haney | curtains, decorating, kitchen, windows
I did it! I bought my curtains for my kitchen! You guys are not gonna believe the deal I got on my curtains that I was telling you guys about and asked advice for. I have great advice from all you friends out there in blogland and thank you all so much for your kind...