by JaimeB Haney | 2016, dang, gardening, Greenhouse, in the greenhouse, mayhem, oops
Last Thursday I encountered a greenhouse disaster. Now I know the term disaster may seem a bit extreme, but there were casualties of the seedling kind. I’m lucky I made it out without a concussion! The Greenhouse Disaster… What happened you ask? My beloved...
by Jaime Haney | Blogger, blogging, curses, dang
Curses! I’ve reached my maximum blogs to follow! Apparently 300 is the magic number. Why is there even a limit? I’ve read on other blogs of this problem but since I hadn’t encountered this dilemma, I assumed they got rid of the nasty situation. Not...
by Jaime Haney | A day in the life, all about me, animals, blogging, cat, cats, confessions, dang, first attempt, Glove, life, Uncategorized
doesn’t my cat know that I am concentrating on starting up my new blog?! obviously not, as she is continuing to do that very annoying pawing on the door as if I’d actually let her out! pffhhh! Well, anyway… Hi! and welcome to my blog. I need a...