Snow, snow go away

Zoey’s thoughts –“more of this crap?”Enough already. I know I’m whining but I am sick of the cold stuff and ready for spring. I especially know I’m whining when my friend Theresa keeps getting more and more of the white stuff. But I...

Listing takes forever

I spent a better part of Sunday listing and doing a little editing on my Etsy shop. Jeesh… it takes forever. I even had all my new photographs taken and resized and ready to list, because I had spent the better part of Saturday for that! I think I may have...

Artfire or Etsy?

orI’ve been tossing the idea around in my head to go pro on Artfire for a little while because they are running a special deal of a locked in rate of $5.95 a month and that deal expires tomorrow (click here for the deal). I usually only spend about $3 a month on...