by JaimeB Haney | 2016, abtract, art show, art studio, artwork, creative space, Expressionism, face painting, Funk in the City, intuitive painting, painting, painting backgrounds, poppies, Works in progress
Funk in the City Outdoor Art Show is this Saturday and I’m wrapping up some new paintings. I just got my booth number today so I wanted to post it, it’s #112 on S.E. 2nd St. This is a new area for me so I hope it’s a good one. I’m usually off...
by JaimeB Haney | 2015, costume, face painting, fairy tale look, friends, Halloween, Halloween costume ideas, haunted house, New Harmony Indiana
It’s that time of year again! My favorite holiday… Halloween!! This past weekend, I got to attend a Halloween Party where I got to dress up (EEEEEEE!) I am always so excited for this party to roll around. If my friend Denise ever stops hosting it,...
by JaimeB Haney | Banshee Female Spirit, Day of the Dead, Día de los Muertos, face painting, face painting tutorial, Halloween, Halloween 2010, Halloween 2011, Halloween costume ideas, Halloween painted faces, holidays, make up, Red Death, scary faces, skull, spooky, Sugar Skull, Swamp Zombie, Throw Back Thursday
I’ve compiled 5 of my latest best Halloween costumes in full blown hair, makeup and garb along with accessories. Click on individual characters to see enlarged photos and more detail. Scroll down for links to tutorials of each character. The tutorials explain...
by JaimeB Haney | 2014, autumn, face painting
Okay, so of course I’m joking about comparing face painting and attracting kids like flies. At least on I’m joking about the sarcastic aspect of attracting flies. If you’ve read my blog long enough you know that I occasionally do face painting to...
by Jaime Haney | creativity, face painting, Hallow's Eve, Halloween, Halloween painted faces, Jaime Haney, make up, scary faces, skull, spirited, spooky
This slideshow requires JavaScript. I am the Voodoo Queen Marie-Evella Célestine. Don’t be shy mon cher. Come watch me… and learn your fate. Voodoo Queen Marie-Evella Célestine and her Spirit Stick is a slideshow I made from photographs I took of...
by Jaime Haney | face painting
I’m in that picture above somewhere, painting kids’ faces. They love it and I have a blast. Always happy customers. It keeps my drawing skills fast on the draw! I painted more than 62 faces during this last function in less than 7 hours… whew! If you...