by JaimeB Haney | deep thoughts, emotions, family, feeling, life
Last Friday was Move in Day for college for my son Asher. It’s was bittersweet for me. I’m excited for him on one hand and his new beginnings, but I can’t help but feel loss at the absence of his presence at home. I suppose this is what is meant by...
by JaimeB Haney | birthday, family, life
This past weekend the family got together for birthday celebrations and milestones. My son, Asher, turned 18 years old this week. It’s hard to believe how fast the time has gone. Now he’s all legal. Thinks he is, too. *sigh* I remember 18, do you? Probably...
by JaimeB Haney | Alexandrian Public Library, art event, family, koi pond, Mini Con
Happy September! I cannot believe it’s already September 1st, can you? The year has just flown by for me it seems. I wanted to give some updates and announce a new event that’s recently been added for the month of September. First, remember the new baby...
by JaimeB Haney | family, Florida, Jaime Haney, New Smyrna Beach Florida, vacation
It’s hard to believe it’s been two weeks since we’ve been home from our relaxing beach day vacation. Time sure flies. We actually did nothing but have wonderful days lounging at the beach. Below is our first selfie of myself, my husband, my son and...
by JaimeB Haney | 2021, family, happy new year, holidays, Reflecting
Holy cow it’s New Year’s Eve! I can’t believe it, can you? This year, as awful as it was, has just flown by. I guess it wasn’t totally awful, but there were some not so great things going on. The Scary I think one of the most memorable things...
by JaimeB Haney | family, originals, Sale
It’s been a little over 5 weeks since my husband had his ATV accident. The medical bills have been rolling in and I’ve decided in an effort to keep ahead of them I’d have a Broken Bones 25% OFF Original Paintings Sale. Pretty catchy, huh? I...