by Jaime Haney | aha moment, art, GeeJay Creations, missing mom, quitting
Here’s a little magnet I made with a cute phrase by Gale. It is 3 inches by 3 inches. It turned out pretty cute, I may make a bookmark with it and maybe a greeting card… who knows.I’m rather disillusioned with the whole art show/craft show scene. I...
by Jaime Haney | art, GeeJay Creations, halloween art, treasury
I have been working on some Halloween cards through GeeJaycreations and got into a fun and spooky treasury last night and I’d like to share it with you. A real nice eclectic mix. It’s called “Don’t make me get my wand” by curator Magpie...
by Jaime Haney | GeeJay Creations, treasury
I can’t believe my luck! Another treasury for my partnered Etsy Shop, GeeJayCreations this time, a piece called “When two people fall in love”. We have an art show the 25th of this month called Funk in the City, and I hope that we’ll have this...
by Jaime Haney | GeeJay Creations, treasury
****Squeal***** I’m so excited to share that my GeeJayCreations Etsy shop made a very nice treasury! It feels so good :)Now, if I could figure out how to show you all a picture of the treasury page. Click treasury to link over to the page. Like this:Like...
by Jaime Haney | Etsy shop, GeeJay Creations, sick, summer
Ugh… that’s how I’ve felt the last few days. Our household has come down with a bug and we are all hacking, snotting, snoring, sluggish and miserable. Why do summer colds seem to last forever? I expect to get a cold in the winter, but I’m...
by Jaime Haney |, Gale Woolems, GeeJay Creations, Jaime Haney, poetry, Sale, wedding gift
I’m so happy to report after just one week, GeeJayCreations made our first sale. It is a lovely wedding montage with the most beautiful poem called “When I Say I Do”. The buyer opted for a white mat which looks stunning. It comes with a white or a...