by JaimeB Haney | commission, commissoned artwork, floral, geranium, Works in progress
Red geraniums are one of those summer garden classics. My mom always grew them and I also grow them, I just love them. Add another classic to the mix, a terracotta pot, place them on the front porch with an American flag and well that to me is as American as apple...
by JaimeB Haney | 2015, drawing, gardening, geranium, Greenhouse, sketch, tomatoes, work in progress
April is a busy time in the greenhouse, garden and art studio. I’ve been juggling greenhouse and yard chores along with getting ready for all the upcoming art shows I’ve got coming up. The very next one being Funk in the City next Saturday (April 25,...
by Jaime Haney | A day in the life, flowers, geranium, Greenhouse, houseplants, landscape, painting
This beautiful bi-color geranium is reverting back to it’s original stock. See the photo below? This is how the breeders meant for it to look. Doesn’t matter to me, I think they are both beautiful and bring joy to my Friday which by the way is Day 4 of 30...
by Jaime Haney | bougainvillea, datura, flowers, gardening, geranium, hibiscus, in the greenhouse, lantana, orange tree, petunia, philodendron, plants, rosemary, salvia, spike, statue
I worked out in the gardens for about 5 hours today and I’m stiffening up and can hardly move! Even my fingernails hurt. I’ve pulled weeds and mulched. When I look at what I’ve accomplished, it’s not near enough for 5 hours of sweat and pain!...