by JaimeB Haney | ghost hunting, ghost investigation, Hot Flash Honey’s, Hot Flash Honeys, paranormal, Paranormal Investigations
At the end of June my ghost group, The Hot Flash Honeys, went on a road trip for a bucket list type of paranormal investigation. We drove to Mansfield Ohio to investigate The Ohio State Reformatory. The place where some of the movie The Shawshank Redemption was...
by JaimeB Haney | 2021, friends, ghost hunting, ghost investigation, Hot Flash Honey’s, Hot Flash Honeys, paranormal, Paranormal Investigations
Teaser photos and brief notes from my latest paranormal investigation at the Monroe House in Hartford City, Indiana. Stay tuned for a detailed blog post with lots more photos. This is the second time to investigate this location. Like this:Like Loading...If you like...
by JaimeB Haney | 2020, ghost hunting, ghost investigation, Hot Flash Honeys, Indiana, paranormal, Paranormal Investigations, road trip, spooky
As promised in my last post where I talked about our paranormal investigation more, this post is geared about General Asahel Stone and how he earned his wealth. Also, more photos that I had taken of the beautiful mansion. I don’t know how much the General Stone...
by JaimeB Haney | ghost hunting, ghost investigation, Hot Flash Honeys, Indiana, paranormal, Paranormal Investigations, road trip, spooky
This past weekend I went with my paranormal group full of my girlfriends. We call ourselves the Hot Flash Honeys, well for obvious reasons, haha. This particular ghost hunt, we were investigating Stone Mansion in Winchester, Indiana. For those of you that know me only...
by Jaime Haney | cemetery, ghost, ghost hunting, ghost investigation, ghost walk, graveyard, haunted, haunted house, haunting's, paranormal, SIPI, spooky, summer, trip
Well I’m back and rested from an overnight excursion to the haunted McPike Mansion in Alton, Illinois with my ghostie friends at SIPI. SIPI stands for Southern Indiana Paranormal Investigators and they are a bunch of good people that are trying to help people...
by Jaime Haney | ghost, ghost hunting, ghost investigation, paranormal, summer, travel
I have been a bad blogger. I’ve been doing all kinds of fun summery things and haven’t even shared them with you. I’ve been ghost hunting, I’ve been to the county fair, I’ve bought all kinds of new art books, I’ve been gardening,...