by JaimeB Haney | all about me, fate, Grandma, life, my ghost story, panic, paranormal, Reflecting, remember, spirits, supernatural
After reading and commenting on a writer friend’s blog today, The Story River, I wondered if I had ever talked in detail about the night my guardian angel saved my life on my own blog. I remember writing about it a little, so I went back and discovered I never...
by Jaime Haney | cemetery, death, funeral, Grandma, graveyard, life
I don’t like losing my people. In fact, I am perfectly sick of it. Four funerals in three years is too many. While we knew this day was inevitable, it doesn’t make it any easier. But… life goes on all around you whether you want it to or not....
by Jaime Haney | 30 days in my life, A day in the life, blogging, dealing, death, deep thoughts, Grandma, memories, mom, moments, Mother, remember
So today is day 5 of my 30 Days in my life bloggin thingy. It’s Saturday and I’m a little melancholy today. I went to my cut my grandmother’s hair. She is 96 and doesn’t remember me at this point and I can’t help but wonder why some...
by Jaime Haney | fall tree painting, family, giveaway, Grandma, Uncategorized
Today I feel like a free woman! I have for the last week been in what I call internet jail. The place where I am at the very end of my data package and if I go over, the internet company will charge me out the wazoo for a few days of crusin’ the net by adding on...
by Jaime Haney | alzheimer's, Grandma
Hair Day – She would kill me if my grandma saw this picture!I am so behind on everything! But life keeps happening. Some of you may know that I set my grandma’s hair every Thursday and that she lives in assisted living. Grandma who will be 95 in July has...
by Jaime Haney | 200th post, ACEO's, art,, blogging, Blue Santa, Etsy shop, giveaway, Grandma
Yay! It’s my 200th post today! I’ve been blogging for a while but I don’t post everyday so this is exciting for me. My 100th post kinda came and went without me realizing it, so I wanted to do something special for this milestone.I’ve been...