by JaimeB Haney | A day in the life, family, flowers, gardens, holidays, koi pond, Memorial Day, Studio Gardens, what's blooming now?, Zoey
Today was Memorial Day and it was a perfect day. My dad came over and fished with Asher and I worked outside in Studio Gardens planting almost the last of my flowers. It was just a perfect lazy day. Later in the afternoon, I made hamburgers and we all laughed and had...
by Jaime Haney | art studio, garden, garden chores, garden tour, gardens, Greenhouse, houseplants, koi pond, Memorial Day, outside, pond, renovating, Studio Gardens
Come see how my Studio Gardens get an upgrade! As you all may know, I’m a self professed plant freak. I have a greenhouse attached to my art studio filled with plants that I bring in from outside each fall. I have a wonderful view into said greenhouse to...
by Jaime Haney | Banshee, Banshee missing, boating, Memorial Day
I want to thank all the service people who are or have served for our great country. God Bless America and God Bless you.I haven’t posted a new blog post lately. I have been distraught and Banshee has not returned home and I cannot find her. I am just sick. I...