by Jaime Haney | 30 in 30 challenge JAN 2014, aha moment, alone, By subject, complaining, confessions, contemplations, deep thoughts, depression, feelings, koi pond, missing mom, mourning, sad, sketch, Works in progress
Let me start by saying I’m posting this out of a combination of self doubt, possible seasonal affective disorder, depression and utter frustration with my technical knowledge and skill level. Okay, I’m guessing on the seasonal affective disorder but it...
by Jaime Haney | dark, death, deep thoughts, depression, Late night ponder, missing mom, mom, moments
Today I attended the 6th funeral in 3 years. Death and I are getting very acquainted with one another. Even though the funeral I attended today was not family, she was the grandmother of a dear friend and my heart hurts for her today as well as for myself. I was on...
by Jaime Haney | A day in the life, contemplations, deep thoughts, emotions, enlightenment, feeling, feelings, memories, missing mom, moments, summer
So it’s summertime here meaning days of shorts, swimming lessons, no shoes and no school. You can just feel the happiness in the air. What is it about summer that gives you that great feeling of freedom and memories from childhood? Summer to me brings back sweet...
by Jaime Haney | 30 days in my life, A day in the life, blogging, dreams, garden chores, missing mom, mourning
Today went by like a blur. Most days do, but since this was such a gorgeous day and I had lots to accomplish it went especially fast. I have a usual routine that I follow during the school year and this is mainly how it goes but nothing is ever set in stone: 6:45 get...
by Jaime Haney | garden, missing mom, mom, zinnia
Today has been my mom’s birthday. She would’ve been 67. I was just telling a friend that I’ve gotten out of the I can’t believe it stage and moved more into a numb, thick and alone in my thoughts of her stage. For those who don’t know,...
by Jaime Haney | cancer, death, death anniversary, life, melanoma cancer, missing mom, mom
Two years. Wow, two years have gone by since my mother died of cancer. Two years ago I thought how can I possibly go on without my dear mother? My mother who was my best friend, and the person who knew me better than anyone. My mother, who loved me more than anyone...