July flashes by sparking memories

July flashes by sparking memories

Wow! Time just keeps trucking on, doesn’t it? I wanted to share some photos from this past July 4th, which just seems like last weekend! With the July fireworks, as with everything in life it seems, it’s sparking memories of Mom. I’ve had a lot going...
Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

I just want to take a minute to wish all my friends, fans and family and anyone who reads this blog a very Happy Mother’s Day. Go spend time or call your mother… hug her, tell her how much you love her. I do in my dreams. No one will ever love you like...

Memories of the Zinnia

Today has been my mom’s birthday. She would’ve been 67. I was just telling a friend that I’ve gotten out of the I can’t believe it stage and moved more into a numb, thick and alone in my thoughts of her stage. For those who don’t know,...