by JaimeB Haney | 2016, acrylics, artwork, birds, Expressionism, inspiration, minatures, Nature, originals, painting, series, This Artists Observations of the Day, whimsical, work in progress
I’ve been working on a small series of bird paintings lately. In between snow days, errands and having to take myself to the doctor and my husband to the doctor – he has shingles! We thought it was mainly an elderly person’s problem but turns out...
by Jaime Haney | art, Art Blocks, art projects, art show, art work, artwork, By subject, carving, fish, minatures, painted, stamp carving, stamps, Thanksgiving, Works in progress
I hope you all have had a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend. I have been busy, I hosted Thanksgiving again this year for my immediate family which involved getting the house in a decent shape. No easy task… I’m still looking for things that were hid from...
by Jaime Haney | acrylics, art work, birds, By Medium, By Style, cooking, impressionism, landscape, minatures, miniatures, night, Paintings, recipes, vegetables
OOoo I don’t know about you, but when it’s cold outside I like to eat warm comfort food. One of the dishes I make that warms my belly is my chili. I only cook chili from October through about March. There’s just something wrong to me to eat hot chili...