Custom painted two man crosscut saw

Custom painted two man crosscut saw

I’ve just finished another custom painted saw commission this past week. This time is was a 62″ long two man crosscut saw. It was pretty impressive. I was surprised by what good shape it was in. My client found me through Google from the last saw I painted...
Ancestral Lands new moon and tree painting series

Ancestral Lands new moon and tree painting series

I’ve finished painting three of the works for a new moon and tree series I’ve titled “Ancestral Lands”. These paintings are purely an experiment in color, imagination and play. They’ve evolved from completely unrelated paintings that I...
Pond Mermaid on my easel

Pond Mermaid on my easel

New on my easel and work table is this mysterious pond mermaid who swims in an water wonderland of pond lilies and swaying pond plants. This is the start of a pond series I have planned. It seems I have so many ideas and and they tug me in different directions so I...