by Jaime Haney | Abstract Landscape, acrylics, birds, By Medium, By Style, By subject, crane, Expressionism, impressionism, landscape, Nature, painting, Paintings, plants, red, St. Valentine's Day, work in progress, Works in progress, Zen-like
Cinnabar Nights of Love a new painting wip. I have a new painting in progress, actually two because I consider them a set. I also am thinking I will want to explore this type of painting further and am leaving room for a series with these being the beginning. I knew...
by Jaime Haney | 30 in 30 challenge JAN 2014, 30 Paintings in 30 Days 2014, abstract, Abstract Landscape, birds, By Medium, By Style, By subject, challenge, Expressionism, Expressionism, impressionism, mixed media, Mixed Media, Nature, Paintings, whimsical, Works in progress
Painting 20 Cactus Flower Blue Bird Dream is an 8″x8″ acrylic painting on masonite Today is the last day for the official 30 paintings in 30 days with Leslie Saeta’s blog but I think I’m going to try to continue and get my 30 in just not in 30...
by Jaime Haney | 30 in 30 challenge JAN 2014, 30 Paintings in 30 Days 2014, abstract, Abstract Landscape, acrylics, art, artwork, By Medium, By Style, By subject, challenge, Expressionism, Expressionism, impressionism, Mixed Media, painting, Paintings, plants, plants
Painting 19 is an abstract sansevieria plant or commonly called mother-in-law’s tongue called Watch your tongue!. 8×8 inches on masonite. It’s part of the forever ongoing 30 paintings in 30 days. Yes, I realize I am falling way behind but I am...
by Jaime Haney | 30 in 30 challenge JAN 2014, 30 Paintings in 30 Days 2014, abstract, Abstract Landscape, acrylics, By Medium, By Style, By subject, challenge, Expressionism, Expressionism, impressionism, mixed media, Mixed Media, painting, Paintings, series, Works in progress
Painting 15 is titled Reclaiming, 8×8 inch on masonite. Part of the “The Retaliation of Mother Nature” series. This may be the last painting in my environmental painting series titled “Reclaiming”. It is a painting of a broken roadway that once...
by Jaime Haney | 30 in 30 challenge JAN 2014, 30 Paintings in 30 Days 2014, abstract, Abstract Landscape, acrylics, By Medium, By Style, By subject, challenge, Expressionism, Expressionism, Mixed Media, painting, Paintings, series, work in progress, Works in progress
Painting #14 titled “Resumption” 8×8 inches, part of the ongoing series titled “The retaliation of Mother Nature”. I’m still exploring my environmental paintings and here is the latest finished piece. I’ve got one more planned for...
by Jaime Haney | 30 in 30 challenge JAN 2014, 30 Paintings in 30 Days 2014, abstract, Abstract Landscape, acrylics, By Medium, By Style, By subject, challenge, Expressionism, Expressionism, impressionism, painting, series, Works in progress
Painting #13 is titled “Dwell no more” and is part of an ongoing series I’m painting called “The Retaliation of Mother Nature”. 8″x8″mixed media I’m still exploring my environmental paintings and here is the latest...
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