by JaimeB Haney | flowers, work in progress, Works in progress A couple of weeks ago, I created two new tulip landscape paintings. My thought for painting them besides my love of flowers, was Mother’s Day. So, I sent out...
by JaimeB Haney | Allegory Paintings, animals, deer, dreamscapes, Folklore, Forest, mystical, whimsical, work in progress, Works in progress
I’ve been working on a couple of paintings that I started back in the last of February. Sometimes paintings take a while to make themselves known to me. I’ve said that often. Other times, paintings fly out of me almost like being painted by someone else....
by JaimeB Haney | abstract floral, Easter, flowers, paintings on wood, Reproductions, Works in progress
It’s the season for Easter lilies. They were practically everywhere I went in the last month. I’d love to have one, but only if I can plant it in the garden. I can actually, but it would only last this summer and I’d have to bring it in to the...
by JaimeB Haney | abstract floral, Art Life, flowers, learning, orange, painting, Talking Shop, Things that make me happy
You’re never too old learn. I learn something everyday. Sometimes it’s because I’ve done something stupid. Other and better times… is because I chose to learn something new. Happily, today I can share that it’s something I’ve chosen...
by JaimeB Haney | birds, in person painting class, learn to paint, Realistic, teaching art, wildlife
March 7th, I’m teaching another in person painting class. This time, it’s a springtime robin. It’s a fat little robin perched on a branch that has buds and blooms just waiting to burst open. Lately, it’s felt like spring here. It was 76 degrees...
by JaimeB Haney | Art Business, Art Life, Art Talk, being an artist, dreamscapes, flowers, moon paintings, Nature, smalls, Talking Shop, trees
Wow, how did the middle of December get here so quickly? It just seems like yesterday when I was starting the Magical Patchwork collection which I called smalls back in October. What?! October? Jeesh. Yet another reminder of how fast time is passing. At any rate,...