by JaimeB Haney | botanical, flowers, Jaime Haney, outside, Studio Gardens, work in progress, Works in progress
My work table currently has a garden painting on it waiting for me to finish it. It’s close to being finished but you know what they say about close. I tell my son this all the time. Close doesn’t count except for in hand grenades and horseshoes. He hates...
by JaimeB Haney | Abstract Landscape, abstracted realism, art studio, commission, commissoned artwork, custom, on recycled material, Paintings on odd things other than canvas or paper, work in progress, Works in progress
I’ve just finished another custom painted saw commission this past week. This time is was a 62″ long two man crosscut saw. It was pretty impressive. I was surprised by what good shape it was in. My client found me through Google from the last saw I painted...
by JaimeB Haney | art exhibit, art studio, Blues, gelatin plate prints, hybrid gelatin printing, library art show, local places displaying art, mono prints, printmaking, Public Art Exhibit, trees
This past Monday, I hung my first exhibit of 2022, “Winter Trees”. It consists of nine paintings of trees that I created from a process I’ve been enjoying lately. You might remember my last exhibit here, Delights of Spring. They were giant compared...
by JaimeB Haney | abstract, acrylics, animals, art exhibit, being an artist, Black and white, Exhibit, inkings, intuitive painting, originals, paintings on wood, spooky
If you’ve known me very long at all then you know I have a passion for all things spooky, weird, scary and paranormal. Sometimes, that extends to my paintings. That’s probably why I love to try and capture a mysterious aspect to everything I paint, even...
by JaimeB Haney | Abstract Landscape, Allegory Paintings, ATV, Boho Vibe, Celestial/Fantasy, dreamscapes, family, moon paintings, narrative, sold items, trees
A week ago, I delivered a dreamscape painting to a new collector. The painting he bought was one of my dreamscape paintings. Well, that’s what I call them I’m not sure if that’s an official category for painting styles. Anyway, when thinking of a...
by JaimeB Haney | abstract, abstracted realism, acrylics, Alexandrian Public Library, art exhibit, Exhibit, floral, flowers, Paintings
I’m thrilled to be able to share with you that I’ve met a personal deadline and painted 8 new fairly large paintings for a spring painting collection. Just in time to exhibit them at Alexandrian Public Library. They’re on exhibit all the month of...