by JaimeB Haney | all about me, fate, Grandma, life, my ghost story, panic, paranormal, Reflecting, remember, spirits, supernatural
After reading and commenting on a writer friend’s blog today, The Story River, I wondered if I had ever talked in detail about the night my guardian angel saved my life on my own blog. I remember writing about it a little, so I went back and discovered I never...
by JaimeB Haney | 2016, all about me, cancer, contemplations, dealing, deep thoughts, emotions, life, panic, realizations, Things that go on in my head, This Artists Observations of the Day
Cancer. Who hasn’t heard this word and have it send shivers down your spine. We all know what it does, what it can do. To many, including myself it’s a death sentence. To some, it’s a bump in road of life to be beaten. When you’ve had as much...
by Jaime Haney | carbon monoxide, drama, panic
Let me share my latest drama with you all. For the past week and a half to two weeks, I have noticed a strange smell in my house. Now with a 4 year old, a geriatric cat, a dog and a working husband you wouldn’t think this would be anything new, but this...