by JaimeB Haney | 2016, abtract, art show, art studio, artwork, creative space, Expressionism, face painting, Funk in the City, intuitive painting, painting, painting backgrounds, poppies, Works in progress
Funk in the City Outdoor Art Show is this Saturday and I’m wrapping up some new paintings. I just got my booth number today so I wanted to post it, it’s #112 on S.E. 2nd St. This is a new area for me so I hope it’s a good one. I’m usually off...
by Jaime Haney | 30 in 30 challenge JAN 2014, acrylics, By Medium, By Style, By subject, Expressionism, Expressionism, impressionism, Nature, painting, Paintings, poppies
Screeching in just under deadline (14 minutes away) is Poppy Pods… painting 3 which is a a painting of poppy pods casting a long hard shadow on top of the little pod flowery thingys. 8×8 $85 US unframed. It’s been hectic today, I did take some...
by Jaime Haney | poppies, terra cotta pots, treasury
Take a look… one of my painted terra cotta pots made it into a lovely treasury by stampgirl45.Thank you Theresa! What a beautiful treasury, I’m proud to be a part of it. Like this:Like Loading...If you like it, please...
by Jaime Haney | acrylics, art, black, flower pot, orange, painted, poppies, red, terra cotta pots
I think I’m about finished with this pot, I just need to give a coat of sealant. Here are a few pics of it. Any comments? Like this:Like Loading...If you like it, please...
by Jaime Haney | art, father's Day, poppies, terra cotta pots
Well today started out great, because Asher let us sleep in until 11:00! But, then my MIL called 20 min. later and said she was in the driveway… so much for a great day. Got some really cute pics of Daryl and Asher. would it kill him to pick up the camera and...