by JaimeB Haney | 2015, canning, cooking, heirloom tomatoes, homemade, salsa
I was looking for my blog post to share my most delicious salsa recipe with a group on Facebook and discovered I have never actually made such a post. I ain’t gonna lie, it takes forever… so get a friend to help you. Are you ready? Strap on those aprons,...
by Jaime Haney | green beans, recipes, salsa, stinkin salsa, sweet corn, veggie garden
Sweet Corn – temperatures so hot the camera kept fogging up – but how cute is my little helper?!So the garden has come in and in a big way. Every year about this time, gardening… vegetable gardening that is, becomes hard work and makes me want to...
by Jaime Haney | humidity, morning glory, salsa, stinkin salsa
Yesterday I made yet another batch of salsa. Holy cow, I’ve got tomatoes coming out of my ears and this didn’t even make a dent in what I’ve got in buckets and on the counter. I can’t bear to let any go to waste and I’m getting those acid...
by Jaime Haney | black eye, food, salsa
Well it’s actually Sunday, but I made salsa on Saturday but was too tired to write about it. I made a double batch of my DEE-Licious homemade salsa, medium heat, that made 15 pints plus two half pints. I guess it’s med. heat. I put in 2 cups of...