by JaimeB Haney | An artist's views, Art Talk, being an artist, creativity, deep thoughts, profound, realizations, Things that go on in my head
I was recently asked ‘does my art have a message or a meaning?’. I didn’t take long to think about because my immediate response is yes. Here’s what I said. “Often it does. Although, I think most of the time its meaning is only known by me and honestly only meant for...
by JaimeB Haney | 2020, aging, deep thoughts, feeling melancholy, In the time of Corona, life, profound, Reflecting, Things that go on in my head, Winter Solstice
The longest night of the year is tonight. Hours and hours of darkness. But with the Winter Solstice so comes with it, the light. Now, happily, the days will slowly start getting longer. I for one am thrilled about that. I have a dear friend that suffers from Seasonal...
by JaimeB Haney | 2016, abtract, all about me, Allegory Paintings, artwork, deep thoughts, Expressionism, family, history, life, mourning, My childhood, painting, rambling, Things that go on in my head, work in progress, Works in progress
Spirituality comes in many forms and to me there’s not much more spiritual than the belief system of Native Americans. The reverence they have for all living things has always been inspiring to me and align with my way of thinking. When I started painting Spirit...
by JaimeB Haney | 2016, all about me, cancer, contemplations, dealing, deep thoughts, emotions, life, panic, realizations, Things that go on in my head, This Artists Observations of the Day
Cancer. Who hasn’t heard this word and have it send shivers down your spine. We all know what it does, what it can do. To many, including myself it’s a death sentence. To some, it’s a bump in road of life to be beaten. When you’ve had as much...
by JaimeB Haney | 2015, garden, garden chores, gardening, gardens, Things that go on in my head
Thinking while gardening is a natural thing for me. I get lost in my thoughts as I pull weeds, dig, re-plant, pot up, water the plants, etc. A lot of the time I’m thinking about the task at hand, but more often than not my thoughts wander into strange scenarios...
by JaimeB Haney | 2015, abstract, Art Talk, art work, being an artist, Expressionism, Expressionism, March, My Muse, painting, rambling, Things that go on in my head, tingle
Woo Hoo! I’ve got a new triptych painting to show you. It’s just sitting there in my art studio patiently waiting on me to come back to it to put the final touches on it. Painting has been inadvertently been pushed down the long list of my things to do....
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