by JaimeB Haney | abstract, Abstract Landscape, aha moment, By Style, By subject, enlightenment, Expressionism, landscape, life, lucky, memories, oil painting, Oil paintings, oils, profound, realizations, Throw Back Thursday
I was reading a friend’s blog last night (fellow artist, Anne Butera) and her post inspired me to write this bit about my life lessons with white tennis shoes. It’s funny the little things in life that teach you Life lessons that you never forget....
by JaimeB Haney | Banshee Female Spirit, Day of the Dead, Día de los Muertos, face painting, face painting tutorial, Halloween, Halloween 2010, Halloween 2011, Halloween costume ideas, Halloween painted faces, holidays, make up, Red Death, scary faces, skull, spooky, Sugar Skull, Swamp Zombie, Throw Back Thursday
I’ve compiled 5 of my latest best Halloween costumes in full blown hair, makeup and garb along with accessories. Click on individual characters to see enlarged photos and more detail. Scroll down for links to tutorials of each character. The tutorials explain...
by Jaime Haney | doodle, drawing, eyeball, eyes, Throw Back Thursday
Even though I missed Throw Back Thursday I thought just for fun today, I’d post a sketch I drew from a long ways back I call Starry Eyed. I made a new board on Pinterest the other day called The Eyes Have It so I thought I’d pin my own drawing for it. Why...