by JaimeB Haney | 2014, A day in the life, art work, autumn, contemplations, draw from within, fall day, landscape, memories, moments, mono prints, originals, positivity, realizations, remember, winter, Works in progress
I was reading a favorite blog last night and the writer posed a question: “What are we thank hearted for?” It doesn’t take but a second to think of more things than I can reasonably type and talk about that wouldn’t just be the same as yourself...
by Jaime Haney | 30 in 30 challenge JAN 2014, 30 Paintings in 30 Days 2014, abstract, acrylics, artwork, By Medium, By Style, challenge, Expressionism, Expressionism, impressionism, metallic paint, metallics, Mixed Media, Paintings, winter, Works in progress
Painting 10 – Unfinished piece. I wanted to post this today even though it’s unfinished after the kinda depressing and self-pity post I had on Friday. Today… I am back in the saddle with guns blazin’! Okay no guns and I got back on the horse...
by Jaime Haney | 30 in 30 challenge JAN 2014, 30 Paintings in 30 Days 2014, art, birds, By Style, challenge, Expressionism, Paintings, St. Valentine's Day, whimsical, winter
Painting 6 is “No Greater Love”, Mama crow and baby in their nest. Is there any love greater than that of mother and child? If you are a mother, and I am, I think not. I really enjoy creating little characters out of these ravens and crows that I paint. I...
by Jaime Haney | 30 in 30 challenge JAN 2014, 30 Paintings in 30 Days 2014, acrylics, art, birds, By Medium, By subject, Celestial/Fantasy, challenge, Expressionism, painting, Paintings, sold items, winter
Painting 5 is “Old Timer”, an old white raven with a whimsical hat perched on a tree limb with a colorful abstract sky behind him. I really enjoy creating little characters out of these ravens and crows that I paint. I feel they have a lot personality....
by Jaime Haney | abstract, acrylics, art, By Medium, By Style, By subject, Expressionism, Expressionism, landscape, mixed media, Mixed Media, Nature, originals, Paintings, snow, winter, work of art, Zoey
We got slammed with this last winter storm that came through last Friday. In southern Indiana we usually only get about 15 inches of snow on average for the whole year but this year we’ve already got about a foot I’d say and it snowed another inch and a...
by Jaime Haney | first snow, lake scenery, property pictures, winter, winter 2011
Today we woke up to our first snow. Pretty, white, fresh andbright. if only he could reach the falling flakes. Such sweet little hands.Stay warm, xx Like this:Like Loading...If you like it, please...