Last weekend I had my last art show of the year, Christmas in New Harmony. It is held the first weekend of every year. Last year I wasn’t able to make it because of a snow and ice storm. So it was nice to have decent weather this year for the show. Friday night was set up, now it was pouring cats and dogs that night but by the time Saturday morning came the rain was gone and we had moderate temperatures. While snow does get us in the Christmas spirit, I was glad for easier driving this year.
It’s held in the beautifully restored and updated Rapp-Owen Granary. The structure was originally built by the Harmonie Society in 1818. It has these gorgeous wood beams and high ceilings.
I had a few new medium sized paintings and several new smaller original art mono prints I had matted.
Here are some photos I snapped with my phone during the show when I could.
Laura owns LFN Textiles. She weaves tapestries and designs textiles. She had fat quarters, shopping bags, ribbon, aprons and much more made from her own designed fabric. How cool is that?!
Laura and I know each other from other art shows and the Farmer’s Market in New Harmony, but this was the most we have been able to speak with each other. I was glad to get to know her better and I was impressed with her quality of work, being from a graphic design background myself. We talked shop a bit and I learned a lot of information from her if I ever choose to try my hand at getting my designs printed on fabric.
Peggy Taylor makes handmade wools from her herd of sheep. She is spinning wool yarn here. I thought this looked so relaxing, it was amazingly silent. I watched and was mesmerized. The wool in that basket was incredibly soft, too. I had no idea wool could be that soft. All I ever had was scratchy wool sweaters, ha ha.
Below, Peggy was giving a lesson to this mother and her children. I looked over and they were all intently listening, it seemed like a perfect photo op. After their lesson ended and they started to walk away, I got the mother’s attention as she walked by me and told her I had just taken the best photo and wanted to share it with her. She loved it and I sent it to her via text. A nice memory hopefully for them.
Peggy’s website is called She and her daughter, Emily, were a delight to chat with. Peggy and I got to talking sewing machines, I think we both are vintage machine lovers. I hope to go to her farm sometime in the spring to get some photos of her sheep for new paintings.

Sort of caddy corner across the isle from me is handcrafted jewelry, handmade hats and stones at the far end.
I also hit it off with the artist sitting down in the above picture on the left . Her name is Tiffany Piazza and she owns Dharma Cowgirl Handcrafted Jewelry and Stuff. She had beautiful work that she makes. She carves these tiny intricate designs like trees, bees, spiritual symbols and lots of other designs for necklaces, bracelets, earrings and the like. We talked off and on the whole show and traded ideas for displays and marketing.
I bought 2 things for myself during the show. I always want to buy something from everyone but that just isn’t possible. But check out my goodies…
Laura made this cute little wooden guy. I just love his face with the open mouth and tiny teeth.
Last but not least, is my Christmas gift for myself. A mermaid made by Kotah Moon. Sometimes you just gotta buy it yourself to get what you want, right? Happy Weekend!
New Harmony is one of my most favorite places to visit when I go back to Indiana! I first encountered the labyrinth there.
I just love New Harmony. There are so many interesting things to see and learn about. New Harmony just has a peace about it, doesn’t it? If you’d like to know more about the town, there is lots of good information on Wikipedia (link below). Thank you so much for stopping by and commenting Carolyn!,_Indiana