Introducing…. Sisterhood of the Traveling Sketchbooks! I’m diggin’ this sisterhood name thing so I thought I’d keep the name going. I can’t take all the credit for this project though, Stephanie Corder of Dragonfly Designs Studio wrote me after I posted the original Sisterhood of the Traveling Book and joining. She writes…

“I’ve been thinking about this all morning- I think it would be so cool if you/we got a group together to each donate a book to this cause, rotating through the group and each person ending with a different book than the one they originally sent out..”

 So here it is! Thanks Stephanie, I like this idea so much that I do want to try this. Now I’m not exactly sure what a Round Robin is, but I think it goes something like what we are going to do here.

We are going to have 10 open slots for this first time around. There may be more (projects) later and we’ll get some more books going or maybe one of you may want to take it on. The reason why I’m picking 10 is because I’m planning on doing a theme on the calendar year.  12 months = 12 people (Stephanie is in already since it’s half her idea! and then me, of course ; so that makes 12) The reason for this is so it will go around faster than just the one original book. There will be 12 floating out there!

 We will each need to purchase a new sketch book for this project and keep in mind we’ll be mailing these, so keep size and weight in mind for mailing purposes. So I haven’t thought of all the details yet, but we’ll each be assigned a month (by me, drawing in the hat style again) and we’ll start our sketchbooks with that month, even if it’s out of order. Each person will take one spread (the two pages you open up to) and do what they will with it. We’ll each have 1 month to work on it and then we’ll pass it to the next sister. Like I said, it’s still in the planning stage, but I thought that was the bones of it and whoever the first 10 people are, we can all come up with the plan together. By the time the project is over, a year will have gone by and we will each get back our original sketchbook and we’ll have a wonderful piece of art and great memories to go with it. It will also bring all of us “Sisters” together and form a common bond… Sisterhood Artist.

I don’t have any sisters so this is very appealing to me and I hope you all will embrace this project like the original Sisterhood… Of course we can only take 10 this time, so hurry and sign up if you think this is something you can commit to and enjoy. Like I said, maybe someone will be inspired to start another one if it fills up and more are wanting in. 

Let it begin!

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