Today is the 15th day of the 30 Paintings in 30 Days Challenge, that means we’re half way through! I’ve painted a large philodendron leaf for today’s painting.

work in progress of painted philodendron

I have three philodendron plants that I’ve had for a long time. The oldest one belonged to my mom and she gave it to me years ago. She had bought it at a yard sale when I was a little girl. I have photos of me growing up with this plant!

For some reason this I’ve always associated plants and plant art with the boho life (bohemian). Maybe because when I grew up in the 70’s houseplants were all the rage. My mom jumped on that bandwagon and instilled the love of plant life in me. Every home we lived in had a slew of houseplants in every window. Mom even had a plant business she ran out of our apartment when I was a kid. She’d sell starts and small plants of all of hers for cash. That rubbed off I guess. For years I grew from seed and sold heirloom tomato plants.

As I think about it though, I’m sure she got it from my grandpa who loved plants as well. I had a couple of his plants from the 80’s for a long time until a house fire in 1994 killed almost all my plants – except a philodendron! It was one I had bought, Mom hadn’t given hers to me yet.

Philodendrons can get really big, they sprawl. My mom’s plant is in the largest planter I can buy and drag in and out of my greenhouse each summer.

Bright green painted philodendron leaf on my easel

Philodendron leaf is 8″x8″ acrylic on board. Available for purchase here.

What’s the point of the 30 Paintings in 30 days challenge?

I want to be a better painter. To be a better painter, I must paint more and more.

The whole point of the challenge is to get yourself back in the habit of painting everyday. Now I haven’t stopped painting, but I certainly haven’t painted as much as I wanted in the last few months. So I’m joining in with the challenge to give myself a goal and to help me to feel held accountable, too. Not that the Painting Police will come and pick me up if I don’t paint everyday, it’s more of a self motivation thing. I’ve signed up on Leslie’s website and I’m hoping to be able to accomplish a lot of painting.

I’m not expecting to get gallery worthy paintings each day, I may not even paint a whole new painting each day. I’ve been there done that and that was stressful. I put the stress on myself, but nonetheless, it was stressful. I do hope to foster the act of going into my studio each and every day to get more painting accomplished. You know what they say about habits, it takes 21 days to form one. It will help me get better by practicing more and more.

See the paintings I’ve painted during this challenge here. Thanks for stopping by.

About Me

paintings by Jaime Haney of New Harmony, Indiana

some of my paintings

Learn more about me on the ‘About’ page in the menu at the top. I’m an artist – a painter mostly and an avid gardener. I paint a variety of subjects including birds, koi fish, my gardens, ponds and flowers as well as anything having to do with nature especially trees and tropical scenes. I also enjoy painting abstracts and have started creating more and more of them. My most favorite thing to try to achieve in my painting is mystery.

If you would like to keep up with what I’m doing, join my email list. About once a month I send out a letter that gives you invitations for shows, birthday greeting, sneak peeks at new work and more. I’d love for you to add your email to my Friends and Collectors list!

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