My painting of “Can I go home with you?” has a new owner. I didn’t get to meet her, but I tried. She left before the winners were called. I hope she likes it, well obviously she likes it or she wouldn’t have bid on it 😉  But what I mean is, I hope she is happy she won and likes it even more now that he is hers. 

I had a few people tell me they wanted to buy it as I was making my way up to add it to the items to be auctioned off, but of course it was for the benefit. But I did list it in my shop, here. Where are all these people when I am at an art show? haha Maybe I’ve hit a soft spot here with the pup. He is a cutie, and who doesn’t love dogs?

My face painting gig went well. Lots of happy kids, which makes me happy. I got lots of cute pictures of their smiling painted faces (and an arm!). Here’s a couple that I think turned out great…

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