No, we didn’t get this snow today, but there was a dusting of snow to my sons delight.

Let me tell you my happy news… today I received my Little Red Bird felt ornament from Ellen Crimi-Trent! It is every bit as adorable as I expected it to be. I just love getting packages in the mail. It just brightens my day! I think I shall buy more goodies for myself more often… it puts me in the bestest of best moods. It even lighten my mood of having to have my new crown put on. My face felt numb for half the day and have you tried to put lipstick on while having numb lips? Not easy let me tell you. Plus I felt like the Elephant Man.

Why, getting my little package brightened my spirits so much that I didn’t even mind my very fist MAMMOGRAM. Ok, that’s a lie, but it did make me forget about it for the 2 seconds that it took me to open my package 🙂 I am happy to report though, that the tech mushed and pushed and squished and squashed these puppies and really other than mildly, ok moderately discomforting flatness for the 10 seconds or so of scanning each boob, it wasn’t the horror story I was expecting. I am actually in more shock that I’m old enough now to have to have it done. I can also tell you that it has been about 9 hours since that was done and I am not sore either. Not to say that when I wake up, the girls may be purple or blue but I’ll worry about that tomorrow.

I also opened my email box to a heart felt sweet letter from a new friend, Sandra. She has a beautiful blog called Under The Sun With Me. She also lifted my spirits. I so love making new friends. Now take care of yourself and have a blissful evening…

“This Artists Observations of the Day”
Feeling of the day: elated! and also smooshed
I’m grateful for: crowns… instead of having a hole where a tooth belongs
I thought about today: making my own Gypsy Wagon (thanks A fanciful Twist!)
I miss: the carefree world of my youth

Best thing I did today: open my mailboxes!

Today I lingered at: Mammabellarte

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