Happy New Year! A new year of opportunity is knocking.
Here’s what you need to do:
I know that is ridiculously simple sounding, but it’s not always so easy. Not for me at least. Things that are new and unknown are sometimes scary for me. Maybe I’m not quite the free spirit I see myself as.
Nonetheless, this new year, one of my resolutions is going to be to answer more doors. I have had new opportunities come up for me this year and for the most part, I answered. But I plan to be even more open to new ideas this coming year.
I plan to paint more.
I plan to share more.
I plan to teach more.
I plan to organize more. ahem….
Just more!
Speaking of painting, in 2015, if I counted correctly I painted about 25 new paintings this past year. So, I definitely plan to paint more. So much more in 2016. I also hope to have an Open Studio for local friends and collectors to visit but time will tell for that one.
Here are a few of my favorite paintings I did this year. Sweet Serenity is the only one that isn’t sold yet. Maybe that’s a sign for me to keep it a while, huh? I love the looser style I let myself toy with in this painting and I especially like the way the background developed. It looked totally different when it began. I haven’t wrote a blog post about it yet, but I should so you can see what I mean. You can click on the painting itself to see purchasing information. Prints available here. I had to break it up into three separate prints, the original is 36″ long.
Smoky Maize was part of a triptych. A commission for dear friends. The other two were of tomatoes and purple peppers! Now I did write a post about this one, you can see my work in progress shots by clicking here. It really looked like three baked potatoes at first! Ha ha ha… I have really nice prints of the three veggies, see them here.
Finally, my beloved koi fish from my pond immortalized forever in this yin yang style painting. This painting is based on my actual fishies. I used my artistic license of course… they don’t really have a harlequin pattern on them 😉 I have prints of them too, but I haven’t got them up on my website shop yet. You can contact me if you’re interested. I’ll get them up asap and update this post with a link when I do. Oh and hey, you wanna see my koi pond?! I love to show that off! Go here for lots of pretty photos and videos.
It seems I need to add another thing to my to do list for 2016 and that is get all my prints and available paintings on my website shop. You knew you could buy my stuff here didn’t ya? hee hee
So what about you?! What do you plan to do for 2016? Have you thought about it? Inquiring minds want to know!
Have a Happy New Year my friends. I hope it’s filled with joy, laughter and time with friends and loved ones.