I don’t know what we’ve done to upset Mother Nature, but we’ve had yet another tree incident. The third in five years I think it is. Hurricane Helene made her way all the way up to Indiana a few weeks ago.
The first tree incident was in 2019 and that was a massive maple that landed on our house taking out my kitchen.
I’m in no way trying to diminish the hardships of so many in Tennessee and North Carolina, but this has been a major inconvenience. Not only did it wreck our good truck that we’ve only had for 2 years, it’s sabotaged my budget and taken lots of time of out of several of my days to take care of this mess. Mostly, I mean paperwork, taking it to an auto body shop and phone call wise.
This all happened just a couple of hours after I put up my art exhibit at Alexandrian Public Library. The day started out just beautiful but if you look at the photo of me outside of the library, you can see the clouds rolling in. Hurricane Helene made her way up to Indiana and the winds were crazy but we were getting some much needed rain. My husband and I were sitting at the kitchen table when all of a sudden we heard the crash. The kind that you instantly know something has just bit the dust. That crunch sound.
We ran outside and sure enough, there’s the tree on top of the truck. Of all the places for it to fall, it was like the tree aimed for the truck. What’s ironic is, we had just moved the truck and trailer to the clearest part of the yard so that it would have the least chance for a tree to fall on it.
I’ve always joked with my son about the Haney Curse but I tell you I am starting to believe it myself. First the big maple hitting the house. Then the next year, the other half of the maple tree fell and hit that same black cargo trailer that you see in the photo. We were able to fix it but it was still a hassle. Of course, the insurance raised our premiums quite a bit to cover all of that. We ended up changing insurance companies. It’ll be interesting to see how Progressive deals with this.
To my surprise, they totaled our truck. From the photos, it looks like the frame is bent. It is not. However, from the photos, you can see there isn’t one side the tree didn’t damage. It was nuts. It’s an older truck and I guess they figured it would be cheaper to just pay us off than to fix it. It’s definitely our loss though. That was a really good truck. Plus, we over paid for it because when we bought it there was the used vehicle shortage. Jeesh.
So, this poor truck is in our driveway waiting for the tow truck to come and take it away. I’ll be glad when all of this is finished and behind us. I kinda feel like I need to perform some sort of ceremony or ritual to appease the tree spirits. They have it out for us!
Well it’s almost Halloween (my favorite!) so here’s a funny.
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some of my paintings
Learn more about me on the ‘About’ page under the additional links menu. I’m an artist – a painter mostly and an avid gardener. I paint a variety of subjects including birds, koi fish, my gardens, ponds and flowers as well as anything having to do with nature especially trees and tropical scenes. I also enjoy painting abstracts and have started created more and more of them. My most favorite thing to try to achieve in my painting is is mystery and telling mystical stories.
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