Just in case you were wondering…
Time is crazy, isn’t it? Like Houdini, it is a master of escape. And escape, it has.
Let’s see, what have I been doing? Not blogging that is for sure. I am ready to settle back in if you’re willing to join me again. I am just about ready to make the big switch to WordPress. I will make a tutorial for those who are unsure if they can still follow from Blogger (you can).
I have been to Florida, one of my family’s most favorite places. Talk about time escaping, jeesh. We did cram in a lot though, the short week we were there. I’ll share more on that later. I will say, I’ve not ever been so inspired as I have been than on this trip. I feel the want, the need to paint, paint, paint!! I’ve got a million ideas in my brain waiting to fill my canvases with their imagery. Tune in to find out what has got me so fired up and inspired.
Temperatures are dropping and that also means time to dust off and clean out the greenhouse to get it ready for my plants again. Soon too. The temps are supposed to drop to 41 degrees F Tuesday night. How can this be?
I did paint a couple things right before Florida that I shared on Facebook, but not here. So I’ll post it again here. I’ve been painting in oil again and these have been drying while I was away and are ready for more work…
I hope everyone is fairing well since I’ve been MIA. I promise to be visiting your blog soon… Till then… See ya!
Oils is one medium I haven’t been brave enough to try yet but I do love what you’ve been doing with them! Especially the colours on the top one.
Time – ah yes – I swear someone has pressed fast forward this year!
We are just starting to see some signs of Autumn here – am praying for cooler weather soon!
Welcome back Jaime 🙂
Thank you Carmen! I know your year has probably flown by as well. Fall seems to be arriving here tomorrow. Cooler temps are rushing me into my greenhouse.
I’m off to your blog, I see you’ve posted your Sisterhood book pages =)
x Jaime
I love the way your paintings are coming along, especially the water lily. You know what a sucker I am for flowers!
It sounds like you had a wonderful, inspiring trip- can’t wait to see what you paint next!
Why thank you Stephanie! I am slightly aware of your flower obsession 😉 (we are equally obsessed I believe!). I can’t wait to share more about my inspiration, but I’m in a race against a possible early frost!! Greenhouse duty today. It’s raining cats and dogs here. Too little too late though. I always think of you when I drive through Georgia. One day I’m gonna surprise you!
lovely to see you Jaime! those are some intriguing oil paintings you’ve got going on there. can’t wait to see what comes next and how all that inspiration comes pouring out of you.
It is good to have you back. Looks like you enjoyed a lovely holiday – that photo of you and your little guy is so sweet. 🙂 Looking forward to seeing your new blog home. 🙂
So glad to see you back! I haven’t been Blogging much either. Lots of changes going on and have been super busy with art! YIPPEE!!!
I LOVE the pic of you and your wee one! It’s precious 🙂