I ran across this great pin of how to make a natural garden arbor while drooling in a comatose state I mean quickly browsing Pinterest today and clicked on it to follow it back to the original website to learn how to do what the picture showed. Don’t you hate it when you click back to see something and the website makes you jump through hoops, or sign up for an account just to see a little information that you could probably easily find 10,000 more examples with a few pecks of your fingers on Google? Yeah, so do I.
This particular pin did just that. Better Homes & Gardens is the site this is from. That site, while it has great information and beautiful photographs, it’s a pain in the butt to click through all the next buttons when all you want to do is get the gyst of it. If you can even find the “next” buttons. They temp you with the “view all” button, only to trick you once again with a sign here in blood and promise to follow us and/or we will stalk you for all eternity account.
So, even though I’ve got a kajillion things I need to be doing, I thought I would make their really cute, naturally rustic looking arbor into a super dooper easy as pie pin and give everybody and their mother a non-name your first born after us all in one spot tutorial.
I haven’t actually made an arbor yet… but I have a couple willow trees I’m already eyein’ to go hack up so I can. So if you’ve got questions, sorry, can’t help ya. But, I’m leaving a link here to the site where the original pin sent me to. It will take you to the Better Homes & Garden website where you can post a comment in question form while being bombarded with roll over advertising that hi-jacks your browser and hope someone bothers to answer you.
I thought this was a great way to incorporate rustic garden art into my newest garden, Studio Gardens (which is the garden I call just outside of my art studio)
Just to be clear, the photos and instructions in the below photo/pin was taken off the Better Homes & Gardens website written by Teresa Woodard. Got to give them all the credit. All I did was put all the photos and text in one easy to read format jpeg file that you can pin easily or just copy and save it for when you have time to do it, or heck, print that sucker out. Pin it, share it, tweet it, steal it, whatever. It’s not necessary, but I sure wouldn’t mind a little love in the way of a link back here if you feel so inclined. Oh and hey, why not follow me on Pinterest… I’ve got all kinds of cool pins on there. I don’t stay up until 2 in the morning most of the time for nothing! Here’s my Pinterest link.
So with no further ado… Here it is… drum roll please… How to Make a Natural Garden Arbor
Learn more about me on the ‘About’ page in the menu at the top. I’m an artist – a painter mostly and an avid gardener. I paint a variety of subjects including birds, koi fish, my gardens, ponds and flowers as well as anything having to do with nature especially trees and tropical scenes. I also enjoy painting abstracts and have started created more and more of them. My most favorite thing to try to achieve in my painting is is mystery.
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Arrggg u have me looking for stick now! 😛
Ha ha Terri, you are hilarious!! (I’m doing the same!) LOL
That’s awesome!
Isn’t it Tina?!! I want like 10! Ha ha… but seriously I can see all different things being made in this fashion, so I would like some smaller projects like little things to place over a single plant, garden art, etc. Time is the only problem! You could make a little house for your chickens… haha
I have the perfect wisteria to go with it, if only I could work out how to propagate it, lol 🙂
Yep, I get really annoyed too when big biz are trying to get our info. they already have the world cornered what else do they want.
Hope you have fun building this (or is the Hubby doing it and you supervising? lol 🙂 ‘cuz that would be me 🙂
Have a lovely Tuesday, cheers, T. 🙂
Hi T!
Oh I used to have an arbor that Daryl made for me at the last house we lived in and I planted wisteria on it and it was perfect. I also had a sun room with a koi pond inside it! I’ll have to post pics of it sometime. Wisteria is beautiful but you really have to have a sturdy structure for that vine, it can pull down a house practically! hahah But you should be able to get a start very easily, mine was a start from a neighbor. Just cut off a new shoot without flowers and poke it in some good soil, just keep it moist, but not soggy and never let it dry out until you see new growth starting then you know you’ve got it rooted!
So my plan is to start making something out of these branches and then Daryl will see me doing it all wrong and then take over. Mission accomplished 😉 ha ha!