I’m thrilled to be able to share with you that I’ve met a personal deadline and painted 8 new fairly large paintings for a spring painting collection. Just in time to exhibit them at Alexandrian Public Library. They’re on exhibit all the month of April.
My newest spring painting collection, “Delights of Spring”, is now available for everyone. If you’re wondering what do you mean now available for everyone, that means that the general public now has access to buy the art. You see, I give my email subscribers first chance at new work. I usually give subscribers 24 hours or so to have the opportunity to view, think about and purchase a painting before I release it to the public giving them essentially first dibs. When I say release, I mean available for purchase.
If you’d like to be part of that list, just sign up here. I’d love to have you in my little tribe of art lovers and supporters. There’s perks besides being the first to be able to buy, too. Like a free 4″x6″ print (if you give me your snail mail address) plus Birthday Bucks during your birthday month. Just take a look at the link if you’re interested for a full list of perks. I send out emails at least once a month but no more than once a week after the initial welcome sequence.
Back to the spring painting collection.
I wanted to have a theme this time around for this exhibit. Now I’ve exhibited to APL quite a few times before, but this time I was very intentional about it. I was given the time to create a whole collection for this exhibit. In the past, I’ve just taken what I had in my inventory at the time and tried to make a cohesive look out of the exhibit.
Of course, in my true procrastinatory fashion I almost waited too long to start my paintings. I’ve known about the exhibit since about late January which gave me 11 weeks to produce 9 paintings. Jeesh. I did have a plan though… it was to create one a week and then have time to varnish and wire the paintings leisurely. Hah. Yeah, I didn’t start painting until March. Even then, I didn’t paint everyday until that last week. But I’m happy to say that I did make the deadline, albeit rushed in the end. Apparently the joke was on me, I found out after I hung the paintings that the library was closed for Easter holiday from April 2nd until April 5th. (can you hear my hand slap my forehead?!)
All new large (24″x40″ on deep canvas) paintings. However, there was one painting that is from my inventory. It’s the yellow daffodils, an 8″x10″. Even though the hall where I exhibit has nine places to hang, one of those spots is over the fire pull alarm so it was an odd ball size and much smaller than I had planned to make the rest. So, I kinda had it in my mind that I would either leave that spot blank or make a new painting to fit the theme. My dad (also and artist) scoffed when I told him I may only display the eight. In the end, I took his advice of using a painting from my inventory. Luckily, I had one that fit in pretty good with the spring theme.
So without further ado, here’s my spring painting collection Delights of Spring… (click to enlarge)
Techy stuff:
I’ve tried to post the last few times with a new function of WordPress with not great results. The first one was a video and the video is totally blacked out but you can hear the sound, so my apologies for that. The second and third one worked with a slideshow of photos, but I have very little control over it. It was however, an easy way for me to get something out there so I did like that. I may try again here and there, hopefully they’ll get the bugs worked out as it’s a new feature.
Also of note, it’s come to my recent attention that you’re not able to leave a comment on my posts any longer. Well that’s a bummer, because I love to get comments and talk back and forth. I’ve narrowed it down to a glitchy plugin but I’ve just not had the time yet to figure it out and/or find a new one to replace it with. It’s a necessary plugin, it controls spam so I hate to deactivate it without a back up plan. Anyhow, if you’d like to try and leave a comment to see if it’s fixed itself, I’d be most grateful! If it doesn’t work, you can always shoot me an email here. Thanks so much!
Spring Painting Collection continues…
My next several posts will be focused on each painting in the spring painting collection. I’ll show some work in progress photos and share thoughts to highlight each painting, a showcase if you will. I actually took a ton of video of my painting these and I hope to add those videos to my YouTube channel. I’d love for you to subscribe to my channel (and tap the bell to be notified), I’m trying to use that platform more as Facebook and Instagram tighten their reigns even more these days. Oh and be sure to subscribe to my blog and my email list if you’d like to hear from me more consistently.
You’ll find me with either a paintbrush or trowel in my hand for the next few months! Chat soon, Happy Spring and be well my friend!
← Sneak peek – new spring paintings in progress Picasso Exhibit Road Trip →

Learn more about me on the ‘About’ page under the additional links menu. I’m an artist – a painter mostly and an avid gardener. I paint a variety of subjects including birds, koi fish, my gardens, ponds and flowers as well as anything having to do with nature especially trees and tropical scenes. I also enjoy painting abstracts and have started created more and more of them. My most favorite thing to try to achieve in my painting is is mystery and telling mystical stories.
If you would like to keep up with what I’m doing, I have a newsletter e-mailed about once a month that gives you special status for invitations, birthday greeting and more. I’d love for you to add your email to my Friends and Collectors list!
I love the bird nest!! 💙
Thank you Lori! Oh I’m so glad to see my comment section is working again. Thank you for commenting!
Love your art Jaime!
Thanks Vicki!
You’ve been very productive!
All paintings look great and having a chance to show them is even better!
We are in a complete lockdown still in Ontario, therefore, I got accepted only in a virtual show.
It cannot ever compare with a live, real show, but it is what it is.
Happy spring and good luck with showing your beautiful works!
Thank you Inese! Yes, it is what it is, I understand. It’s very frustrating I’m sure. Hopefully soon, you’ll be out of lockdown. I appreciate your compliments