Recent Blog Posts

Oh! The irises!
Irises were never really the star of my garden's show. That is until this year. I'd had a couple of varieties for most of my gardening life here at this house. The basic purple ones and white ones. The white ones were kinda special because they were old fashioned and...

Penny Lane Coffee House art exhibit
Last Sunday, I hung 15 pieces of art at Penny Lane Coffee House with the help of two my artist friends. Vicki Wilson and Lori Rivera have become two of my closest friends and confidants. I was sharing the space with another artist friend Sandy Dodd. Her paintings are...

Vagabond Aged Map
Do you remember the two-man saw I was commissioned to paint earlier this year? Well, the same collector has commissioned me to create another really cool project. This time it was a fantasy style map of private hunting, fishing and recreational area known as Vagabond...

Snake incident
So there was a snake incident a couple of weeks ago. Let me set the scene. It was an evening like any other evening. After having just washed my hair I was minding my own business drying it under my salon style dryer. This has been my preferred method of drying my...