New on my easel and work table is this mysterious pond mermaid who swims in an water wonderland of pond lilies and swaying pond plants. This is the start of a pond series I have planned. It seems I have so many ideas and and they tug me in different directions so I have quite a few starts of series, but I really feel I should buckle down and build a true series.
I’ve had this idea for a long time now. A vision really – which is how a lot of my ideas start it seems. I knew I didn’t want to create a typical mermaid scene, you know the ones in the ocean with fish and bubbles and starfish. No, I wanted to create a little something more mysterious… at least to me.
I envisioned a murky lake type of setting. A pond mermaid. Do you remember a movie by M. Night Shyamalan called the Lady in the Water? I’ve always liked that movie (and most of his) and I think I imagined this sort of narrative instead of the movie one, but I still liked his version.
Below is showing how I started to build the plant structure for the murky world. If you’ve followed my work, then you know I’m rather fascinated with abstract landscapes that I just make up (like this one). This is following suit to that thought.
I was going for a watery look and to achieve that for the background I was constantly spraying the canvas and applying the paint trying to capture that look. Blooming paint and drips formed as I rotated my canvas all around to move the paint.
It felt like I had enough background interest so I began to add my star… the pond mermaid. But I just wanted a little more than a hint.
And truly, this could be just a fish so you have to use your imagination. Perhaps you only see the fish but I see her as the pond mermaid swimming in-between stalks and stems of pond lilies. Those are coming a bit later.
Lines in the fins and more details there. Highlights here and there trying to paint the scales loosely but detailed enough.
Ah there they are. The stems of the lilies give her a bit more depth in the water as well. Plus I like how the greenish brown stems contrast against the algae tinted water.
Just a bit more refining of the pond lilies and a signature was just what it needed.
I think I’m finished, I signed it, but I haven’t varnished it so there may be a bit of tweaking here and there. I need to let it gestate as a writer friend of mine says. (hello Lisa!)
This painting is 24″x18″ on 1.5″ deep canvas. I’ll be taking it to Funk in the City art festival September 21st unless it finds its forever home sooner. If you are interested just contact me.
Come back this Tuesday (9/3/19) to read about a friend of mine Lori Rivera. She’s a fellow artist and we’ve decided to interview each other for our blogs. I’ll be posting hers on here Tuesday and she’ll be posting mine as well on her blog.
One more thing, I’ve got a show fast approaching called Mini Con. You may remember it from last year. I’m doing it again and it’s this coming Saturday at Alexandrian Public Library. See a post about last years here. I’m really hoping I feel well then, I’m getting a sore throat and both my husband and son are sick currently. Ugh, it’s not looking good. Wish me well!
Learn more about me on the ‘About’ page under the additional links menu. I’m an artist – a painter mostly and an avid gardener. I paint a variety of subjects including birds, koi fish, my gardens, ponds and flowers as well as anything having to do with nature especially trees and tropical scenes. I also enjoy painting abstracts and have started created more and more of them. My most favorite thing to try to achieve in my painting is is mystery and telling mystical stories.
If you would like to keep up with what I’m doing, I have a newsletter e-mailed about once a month that gives you special status for invitations, birthday greeting and more. I’d love for you to add your email to my Friends and Collectors list!
Love this Jaime!!
Thanks so much Tina!! I’m so happy to have you visit, it’s been a while.